Municipal Policing Committee

Beaumont, AB, Canada
LLS Board and Committee Recruitment
 The City of Beaumont’s Municipal Policing Committee helps set and oversee policing priorities for our community with the RCMP.  It represents the interests and concerns of the public to Beaumont’s RCMP leadership, works with officials to identify and address local public safety concerns, and reports on the related programs and services. 

  • Oversee the administration of the Agreement between the City of Beaumont and the Government of Canada for the provision of police services.
  • Assist in selecting the RCMP Officer In Charge, when there is a vacancy
  • Represent the concerns and interests of Council and the public to the Officer In Charge.
  • Develop a yearly plan of priorities and strategies for municipal policing in consultation with the Officer In Charge, including a community safety plan developed with input from community agencies and stakeholders
  • Report to Council on matters of public concern as the Committee deems appropriate and in the public interest, and report to Council and the Province on any matter when requested to do so by Council and the Province.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned to the Municipal Policing Committee under the Police Act.
Term Length (Year): Terms will be staggered among Committee Members to ensure continuity of the Committee. Members may be appointed for:
  • 3 years; or
  • A term less than 3 years, but not less than 2 years.
Term Limit: 2

Number of Members: No less than 3 and no more than 6 public members

The Committee includes the following voting members:  
  • One City Council member
  • Six public members: three (3) shall serve terms of two (2) years, and three (3) shall serve terms of three (3) years. 
Non-voting, advisory meeting attendees include:  
  • The Beaumont RCMP Officer In Charge (or delegate)
  • The City’s Chief Administrative Officer (or delegate) 
The Committee includes a chair and vice-chair positions to be selected by the Committee.

Committee members are entitled to a $30/meeting honorarium for each Committee meeting they attend.

Applications for all public seats on the committee are currently open and will close on March 31, 2025. Beaumont residents interested in helping make Beaumont a safe and welcoming community are encouraged to apply now.
  • Selected committee members will be required to undergo an enhanced security clearance check.
  • Appointed members must take the Oath of Office as described in the Police Act.
  • Appointed members must be residents of the City of Beaumont.
  • It is recommended that applicants hold May 5-6, 2025 in their calendars for interviews.

Applicant information:
Thank you for your interest in applying for the City of Beaumont Municipal Policing Committee. We thank everyone for applying but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

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